Metrics that matter: 10 types of IC metrics that every communicator should know

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Mar 19, 2024
Internal Communication

Metrics that matter: 10 types of IC metrics that every communicator should know

While internal communication (IC) is widely recognised as the thread that connects the employees to the company and its goals, many organisations struggle to measure the effectiveness of this function beyond the surface level. Meaningful internal communication metrics are crucial for measuring success and proving the value and impact of the function to the leadership.

The traditional approach

Traditionally, internal communication effectiveness has been measured through basic metrics such as email open rates, intranet page views, and the number of meetings held. These metrics provide some insight into communication activities, but they fail to capture the true impact of internal communication. They focus on quantity rather than quality and often overlook the most critical aspect: how well the message is understood and acted upon.

A new lens on IC metrics

From engagement metrics that reveal the resonance of your message to adoption metrics that track the embrace of new technologies, each metric plays a pivotal role in shaping your communication strategies. Let's uncover the metrics that have the potential to revolutionize your internal communication strategies and drive your function towards excellence.

10 key types of metrics for internal communication

1) Employee engagement

Employee net promoter score (eNPS): a score that measures how likely employees are to recommend their organisation as a place to work.

Employee satisfaction score: a rating scale that assesses overall employee satisfaction with their work environment.

Employee engagement surveys: surveys that gather feedback on various aspects of work, including being kept up to date on company news and initiatives.

2) Channel effectiveness metrics

Instant messaging response time: measure the time it takes for employees to respond to messages on platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

Video views: track the number of views and the duration of time spent watching internal videos or webinars.

Channel coverage: track the number of channels being used for each campaign. Is your team leveraging the right channels to send the right message?

3) Feedback and Response Metrics

Feedback collection rate: measure the percentage of employees who provide feedback on internal communications or initiatives.

Response time to employee queries: track how quickly internal teams respond to employee questions or requests for information.

4) Content consumption metrics

Newsletter click-through rates: measure the percentage of employees who click on links within internal newsletters.

• Training completion rates: track the percentage of employees who complete required training modules or courses.

5) Knowledge retention metrics

Post-training assessments: measure the percentage of correct answers on assessments following training sessions to assess knowledge retention.

Knowledge base utilization: track how often employees access and utilize internal knowledge bases or documentation.

6) Team Collaboration Metrics

• Collaboration tool usage: measure the frequency and depth of collaboration within tools like project management software or shared documents.

• Team productivity metrics: assess team productivity through metrics like project completion rates or time-to-completion.

7) Email open and click-through rates

For organisations that rely on email communication, metrics like open rates (the percentage of recipients who open emails) and click-through rates (the percentage of recipients who click on links within emails) can continue to provide insights into the effectiveness of email campaigns.

8) Intranet analytics

Organisations can track intranet page views, unique visitors, and time spent on the intranet to measure the engagement and usefulness of their internal websites.

9) Internal social media management metrics

If your organisation uses an internal social media platform, monitor metrics such as likes, comments, and shares on posts to gauge engagement and interaction.

10) Leadership communication metrics

Assess the effectiveness of leadership communication through metrics like leadership approval ratings, executive message feedback, and town hall meeting attendance.

Effective internal communication is about more than just sending messages; it's about ensuring that messages are received, understood, and acted upon. Metrics play a crucial role in evaluating the impact of internal communication efforts, allowing organisations to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their communication strategies.

By moving beyond traditional metrics and focusing on outcomes like engagement, relevance, and collaboration, organisations can foster a culture of communication excellence that contributes to their overall success. Remember, what gets measured gets managed, and what gets managed gets better.

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